
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Rachel Gilley rac*** Clarity Managing Director, UK and President, EMEA Public Relations London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Liban Nooh lib** Clarity Global Director of Marketing Public Relations London, GB
Monica Feig mon*** Clarity Executive Vice President Public Relations Los Angeles, CA, US
Sam Benson [email protected] Clarity Performance Director and Deputy Managing Director, Digital Marketing Public Relations United Kingdom
Victoria Morrison vic***** Clarity Head Of Marketing Public Relations London, GB
Stephanie Scott-Bradshaw ste****** CEO and Communicator-in-Chief New York, New York, United States
Harmonee Dunbar har***** Account Executive New York, NY, US
Selma Becirovic sel** Project Coordinator Jersey City, NJ, US
Hellen Ongaro hel*** Public Relations Manager United States
Lauren James lau*** Account Coordinator New York, NY, US